Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Race is my mental fiction

I need to put the notion of "race" to rest...in my mind.

The Hill, an online political website, posted an article today entitled "Poll - Trump supporters more likely to view blacks negatively". My initial feeling was "No Duh". Donald Trump has made overt racist and bigoted remarks while campaigning for president. Some of the words he has used have made me angry and resentful. Deep inside I want to see Donald go down in flames for "appearing" to be a mean-spirited white man putting down minorities, women, physically challenged, ethnic groups and certain religious groups. I want him to be crushed, defeated and embarrassed so I can revel in his utter destruction for hurting my feelings and the feelings of many other minorities. He is only one man given a stage to say what he needs or what he believes. Donald earned his platform, fair and square.

I have been struggling with the issue of race recently. Race is portrayed more as a means for angry division not respectful human distinction. As a Ghanaian born individual that began his early life growing up in Buffalo, spending many of my best times with white and brown-skinned friends, the notion of race during my lifetime had distinct pleasures and pains. Amongst those who were close to me...who knew me...who supported me....race was not our issue.

No matter my personal sensitivities born from 47 plus years of life experiences I have concluded that race is a mental fiction. Race did not exist until one or many acknowledged and compartmentalized racial concepts.

All of my friendships and relationships have developed irrespective of race. I have never gained or lost a friend or personal relationship because of race. Race is a splinter buried deep in my mind.

Blacks possess a victim mentality, and whites possess a guilt complex. Black and white represent opposing and unifying forces. Brown, yellow, red, and other human colors represent the spectrum in between.

I have had it with race. Race is a ruse. It's a veil. It is a construct that should be meditated, prayed, or practiced away through habit and routine. Race is an indoctrination at birth's first breath. The media, governments, corporations, and yes, schools consistently push and push and push Race. Why?

This brings me back to the article mentioned above in The Hill. Why does it matter if Trump's supporters are more likely to view blacks negatively? Blacks may view Trump supporters more negatively. Men may view woman more negatively. The rich view the poor more negatively. I view you negatively...she views me negatively. The viewer becomes the viewed and it's all bad!!!

The use of race intentionally destroys the context upon which people normally and naturally interact and express. The myth of race is a monster that has no origin or history.

Race is a distraction. It is a subterfuge. It does not represent the dominant thinking of the masses of people. People's minds are on survival...on living...not on Race. Race requires a reminder. Race...Shmace...give me a break.

Black lives matter. All lives matter. Your life matters. My life matters.

The beauty of unrestricted instant information is that its inundation makes ridiculous what was once serious sh*t.

The bottom line is...as hard as it is to admit...The Hill article about Trump's supporters is a "hit piece" only meant to inflame emotion. Its basis is meaning Less not Full. The article improperly denigrates Trump's supporters and misleads readers by failing to capture one single reason why there is a "negative" view of blacks.

Times are serious and the world is dangerous. There is a galactic fight for power. It is visibly apparent that People and resources need to be controlled. Armies want to grow...and the side you're on needs to be known.

Got to erase race from my mind.

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